The much-awaited Tamil movie of the year, “The Greatest of All Time,” will be released on September 5th, 2024. Thalapathy Vijay’s first-time collaboration with Venkat Prabhu is creating a huge buzz on the internet. With its widespread release across Tamil Nadu and India, here are some reasons why Vijay’s “The GOAT” is likely to be a blockbuster at the box office:
Thalapathy Vijay’s Farewell Performance
The biggest superstar of the Kollywood industry is nearing the end of his acting career. With his recent political entry through Tamilzhaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), Vijay has decided to quit cinema and concentrate full-time on politics. Fans and the general audience are eager to watch Vijay one last time on the big screen. The king of Kollywood is all set to entertain the masses with his final performance.
Promising Trailer
The trailer of “The GOAT” looks stunning, revealing that Thalapathy Vijay will play dual roles as father and son. With power-packed stunts and action sequences, the trailer adds significant value to the film. Venkat Prabhu’s attempt at de-aging technology with the industry’s top star keeps the audience guessing and excited to watch the movie in theaters.
A Venkat Prabhu Hero
After the blockbuster “Maanaadu,” Venkat Prabhu returns to direct a big star in Kollywood. Thalapathy Vijay’s debut collaboration with VP promises to be a commercial treat for Kollywood moviegoers. Venkat Prabhu is known for crafting unique storylines and screenplays, and his collaboration with Thalapathy is sure to draw more attention to the film.
Related: TVK Manadu Date – Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam Public Meeting Date 2024
No Release Competition
Releasing on the eve of Vinayagar Chaturthi, “The GOAT” will be the sole Tamil cinema release that week. The film is set to occupy 90% of screens across all multiplexes and other theaters in the state. According to industry trackers, “The GOAT” is anticipated to achieve the biggest opening of all time in Tamil Nadu. We’ll see the numbers on September 5th.
Hype and Anticipation
“The Greatest of All Time,” starring Thalapathy Vijay, has generated significant pre-release business in Tamil cinema. T-Series has acquired the audio rights for a substantial sum. Netflix has secured the OTT rights and will make the film available on its platform five weeks after the theatrical release.
According to insider news, Netflix has acquired these rights for a record price of nearly Rs. 100 crores. With all this hype and anticipation, “The GOAT” is expected to be a surefire blockbuster if it keeps the audience engaged for its full runtime on the big screen.